Benzodiazepines List and Equivalents

    BenzodiazepinesHalf-life (hrs)1
    [active metabolite]
    Market Aim2Approximately Equivalent
    Oral dosages (mg)3
    Alprazolam (Xanax, Solanax7, Constan7)6-12a0.5
    Bromazepam (Lexotan, Lexomil)10-20a5-6
    Brotizolam (Lendormin)7a0.25
    Chlordiazepoxide (Librium)5-30 [36-200]a25
    Clobazam (Frisium, Mystan)12-60a,e20
    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril7, Landsen7)18-50a,e0.5
    Clorazepate (Tranxene, Mendon7)[36-200]a15
    Diazepam (Valium, Cercine7, Horizon7)20-100 [36-200]a10
    Estazolam (ProSom, Eurodin7)10-24h1-2
    Etizoram (depas)5,66a1.5
    Ethyl loflazepate (Meilax)6122a1.67
    Flunitrazepam (Rohypnol, Silece7)18-26 [36-200]h1
    Flurazepam (Dalmane, Dalmate)[40-250]h15-30
    Halazepam (Paxipam)[30-100]a20
    Ketazolam (Anxon)30-100 [36-200]a15-30
    Loprazolam (Dormonoct)6-12h1-2
    Lorazepam (Ativan, Wypax7)10-20a1
    Lormetazepam (Noctamid,Evamir7)10-12h1-2
    Medazepam (Nobrium, Resmit7)36-200a10
    Nitrazepam (Mogadon, Benzalin7)15-38h10
    Nordazepam (Nordaz, Calmday)36-200a10
    Oxazepam (Serax, Serenid, Serepax, Serenal7)4-15a20
    Prazepam (Centrax, Sedapran)[36-200]a10-20
    Quazepam (Doral)25-100h20
    Rilmazafone (Rhythmy)10.5h2
    Temazepam (Restoril, Normison, Euhypnos)8-22h20
    Tofisopam (GRANDAXIN7)0.8a125
    Triazolam (Halcion)2h0.5
    Anti-benzodiazepines with similar effects4   
    Zaleplon (Sonata)2h20
    Zolpidem (Ambien, Stilnoct, Myslee7)2h20
    Zopiclone (Zimovane, Imovane, Amoban7)5-6h15
    Eszopiclone (Lunesta)6 (9 in elderly)h3

    1. Half-life: time taken for blood concentration to fall to half its peak value after a single dose. Half-life of active metabolite shown in square brackets. This time may vary considerably between individuals.

    2. Market aim: although all benzodiazepines have similar actions, they are usually marketed as anxiolytics (a), hypnotics (h) or anticonvulsants (e).

    3. These equivalents do not agree with those used by some authors. They are firmly based on clinical experience but may vary between individuals.

    4. These drugs are chemically different from benzodiazepines but have the same effects on the body and act by the same mechanisms.

    5. This drug is thienotriazolodiazepine but have the same effects as benzodiazepines WITH HIGHEST MARKET SHARE IN JAPAN.

    6. Popular benzos specifically in Japan, not widely spread outside Japan.

    7. The market name available in Japan only.

    Reference: Benzo Case Japan , and added Japan's popular benzos and market names ([5], [6], [7])